
双向链表,每一个节点都是一个 ziplist

/* Node, quicklist, and Iterator are the only data structures used currently. */

/* quicklistNode is a 32 byte struct describing a ziplist for a quicklist.
 * We use bit fields keep the quicklistNode at 32 bytes.
 * count: 16 bits, max 65536 (max zl bytes is 65k, so max count actually < 32k).
 * encoding: 2 bits, RAW=1, LZF=2.
 * container: 2 bits, NONE=1, ZIPLIST=2.
 * recompress: 1 bit, bool, true if node is temporarry decompressed for usage.
 * attempted_compress: 1 bit, boolean, used for verifying during testing.
 * extra: 10 bits, free for future use; pads out the remainder of 32 bits */
typedef struct quicklistNode {
    struct quicklistNode *prev;
    struct quicklistNode *next;
    unsigned char *zl;
    unsigned int sz;             /* ziplist size in bytes */
    unsigned int count : 16;     /* count of items in ziplist */
    unsigned int encoding : 2;   /* RAW==1 or LZF==2 */
    unsigned int container : 2;  /* NONE==1 or ZIPLIST==2 */
    unsigned int recompress : 1; /* was this node previous compressed? */
    unsigned int attempted_compress : 1; /* node can't compress; too small */
    unsigned int extra : 10; /* more bits to steal for future usage */
} quicklistNode;

/* quicklistLZF is a 4+N byte struct holding 'sz' followed by 'compressed'.
 * 'sz' is byte length of 'compressed' field.
 * 'compressed' is LZF data with total (compressed) length 'sz'
 * NOTE: uncompressed length is stored in quicklistNode->sz.
 * When quicklistNode->zl is compressed, node->zl points to a quicklistLZF */
typedef struct quicklistLZF {
    unsigned int sz; /* LZF size in bytes*/
    char compressed[];
} quicklistLZF;

/* Bookmarks are padded with realloc at the end of of the quicklist struct.
 * They should only be used for very big lists if thousands of nodes were the
 * excess memory usage is negligible, and there's a real need to iterate on them
 * in portions.
 * When not used, they don't add any memory overhead, but when used and then
 * deleted, some overhead remains (to avoid resonance).
 * The number of bookmarks used should be kept to minimum since it also adds
 * overhead on node deletion (searching for a bookmark to update). */
typedef struct quicklistBookmark {
    quicklistNode *node;
    char *name;
} quicklistBookmark;

/* quicklist is a 40 byte struct (on 64-bit systems) describing a quicklist.
 * 'count' is the number of total entries.
 * 'len' is the number of quicklist nodes.
 * 'compress' is: -1 if compression disabled, otherwise it's the number
 *                of quicklistNodes to leave uncompressed at ends of quicklist.
 * 'fill' is the user-requested (or default) fill factor.
 * 'bookmakrs are an optional feature that is used by realloc this struct,
 *      so that they don't consume memory when not used. */
typedef struct quicklist {
    quicklistNode *head;
    quicklistNode *tail;
    unsigned long count;        /* total count of all entries in all ziplists */
    unsigned long len;          /* number of quicklistNodes */
    int fill : QL_FILL_BITS;              /* fill factor for individual nodes */
    unsigned int compress : QL_COMP_BITS; /* depth of end nodes not to compress;0=off */
    unsigned int bookmark_count: QL_BM_BITS;
    quicklistBookmark bookmarks[];
} quicklist;

typedef struct quicklistIter {
    const quicklist *quicklist;
    quicklistNode *current;
    unsigned char *zi;
    long offset; /* offset in current ziplist */
    int direction;
} quicklistIter;

typedef struct quicklistEntry {
    const quicklist *quicklist;
    quicklistNode *node;
    unsigned char *zi;
    unsigned char *value;
    long long longval;
    unsigned int sz;
    int offset;
} quicklistEntry;
  • quicklistNode: 每一个节点都是一个 ,通过 zl 字段指向 ziplist 实例
  • quicklistLZF: 当 ziplist 被压缩时,zl 指向 quicklistLZF 实例
  • quicklistBookmark: 用于缓存最近访问过的节点,提高查找性能
  • quicklist: 双向链表,head 和 tail 分别指向链表的头和尾,count 记录所有 ziplist 中元素的数量,len 记录 ziplist 的数量,fill 记录每个 ziplist 的最大占用空间,compress 决定是否需要压缩每一个 ziplist
  • quicklistIter: 迭代器,用于遍历 quicklist
  • quicklistEntry: ziplist 中的 entry 结构



  • 节省内存空间:通过使用 ziplist 作为底层实现,减少内存开销
  • 提高性能:通过将大列表拆分为多个小的 ziplist,减少了对整个列表的操作,从而提高了列表操作的性能